Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Blacks are secretly addicted to pain and suffering...PSA to All My People

Dear Black People,
We are addicted to toxic relationships-romantically, politically, spiritually and economically. If you ever wondered if "genetic memory" is true, simply look at our ancestral roots in slavery. #PTSS
So as "eye" take a realistic look at the state of our people, it's clear that we have a sadistic spirit and predisposition in our souls to be pimped, played, beat down and this needs to be broken ASAP. Most of our people are in a spell- blissfully unaware that they are still on a plantation due to being sedated by addictions, shucking n jiving with useless entertainment and a few trinkets and butta biscuits handed to us by massa.
On old chain gangs, white men used to say, "Give a Nigga enough pork n pussy, and he'll work for you as long as you want without complainin or tryna break free."

Like any abusive relationship, there are the victims that decide to stay continuing to bitch moan and complain until they die at the hand of their abuser because deep down they are broken, have low self esteem and feel they can't do any better.
Then there are the few that realize they're being abused, face their harsh truths and construct a plan to get out. During this time, it's important to surround yourself with those that have escaped or are going in that direction. These people will encourage you and provide tangible solutions.
Solutions like these don't usually work for people who are committed to their abusers and will excuse, explain away and find any reason not to leave.#CognitiveDissonace

Keep in mind, a person can only be a prostitute when they are broken, distracted (with addictions, entertainment, partying) and have low self esteem. A pimp never recruits secure, sober women with high self worth. It's time for us to go back to greatness and get off the track for good.

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