Friday, October 14, 2016

"3 Reasons you MUST have sex this weekend"-Secrets of Sex and Manifestation. Super Moon Sex Magik (warning adult content and images)

"I want soul sex. I need to taste your thought process. Let's unravel life's riddles. The deeper it is, the sweeter it becomes." 

S.E.X. is about sharing and exchanging energies that originate more from our souls than just our heads or our genitals. It is about uniting our longing for wholeness and connection, desires that are naturally sacred and spiritual. It is about being on the giving and receiving end of pleasure in whatever form it takes.

Believe it or not, humans have been following and honoring the different phases of the moon since the beginning of time.
The energy of the moon – in all of its various phases – affects everything around us an on the planet:

  •  the tides
  •  produce

  • animals

  • and humans
Did you know?

The force of the moon influences:

  • Our Behavior
  • Our Bodies

  •  Our Mood – especially our libido and our sexual activity.  
Yet in modern day times, we know very little about how to use this energy for its full effect in our lives.  The New Moon is also a deeply intuitive period that is ripe for seeding new ideas and sudden the insights that often occur during this time.

The lunar cycles and women’s menstrual cycles are equal in length, occurring about every 28 days. For most women, ovulation – the time when we are most fertile – occurs within 3-5 days after the new moon. It is during this window of time – when the moon and the womb are most fertile – when the moon begins waxing (increasing in potency and light), making it a prime time for sex.

“A woman’s womb is a vast Universe of pure creative potential. It is, therefore, a fertile realm in which to plant seeds of intention for anything you wish to manifest.”

SEX is a powerful tool for "Co-Creation"

You need to think of sex as a manifestation ritual. Each time you lay down (or stand up), you’re creating something. 

Sexual intercourse has the ability to conceive not only children, but anything else we desire to create in our world – new property, career opportunities, or new businesses we want to start. Just think of all of this influence so far, and combined with the power of a New Moon, this act becomes a more energetic force. 

“The peak of orgasm is the absolute point of creation. Sexual climax opens a portal to other worlds – worlds that we can consciously create.”

3 Secrets to Manifesting your heart’s desire with sex magik during the new moon 

1. Be crystal clear about what you want to bring to fruition

Decide what you want to manifest in your life, and have sex 3-5 days after the next New Moon, when the moon begins waxing.

2.  Time your climax with your Vision

The moment you begin to climax, try to point your thoughts to everything that you want in your life.

3.  Imagine your visions coming true

Visualize what you intend to bring to manifest while you are in the zone of your orgasm. And as you come down, picture your vision cuming to life!

Happy manifesting…(can't wait to hear your success stories)

If you have any questions, don't be shy:

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