Thursday, December 1, 2016

The "Urban Astrology Report" (Nov 29th-Dec 4th): Blasting Off and Manifesting Your Destiny

The "forecast" is more than icy road conditions and hot chocolate.  Jupiter's energy will cancel things out of your life that will keep you off of your path of purpose so now is a good time to re-evaluate anything that takes you away from your passion. Realizing that you are at a crossroads can be confusing but this also gives us the ability to make choices and CREATE CHANGE.

Jupiter= the King of the Gods, is the ruler of Sagittarius. In Astrology, Jupiter is a planet of plenty. It is tolerant and expansive. The first of the social planets, Jupiter seeks insight through knowledge.  Jupiter is a planet of broader purpose, reach, and possibility.  The more negative manifestations of Jupiter include blind optimism, excess, and overindulgence.

This imagery captured by the Hubble Space Telescope on May 19, 2016, depicts bright auroras on the planet Jupiter

Neptune=God of the Sea, is the ruler of Pisces. In astrology, Neptune is considered a planet of inspiration, dreams, psychic receptivity, illusion, and confusion. Neptune rules spirituality, intuition, enlightenment, and all things subtle.
The more negative manifestations of Neptune include deception, trickery, deceit, guilt, and addiction.

Square=Inharmonious aspect causing tensions and obstacles for you to overcome. It forces you to choose between you conflicting inner needs and urges.
Transit= the ongoing movement of the planets connected to current reality. Transits reflect our collective reality, the world we're all living in together.
Transits are like cards that the world deals us, and what we do with them -- how we play the hand -- is what changes us and determines the course of our destiny.

  • The Sun and Moon are transiting Jupiter 
  • The New moon is squaring Neptune
  • The Sun is squaring Neptune
As you can see above, there are several planets squaring Neptune.  

What this means
THERE IS POTENTIAL FOR DECEPTION during this cycle and you'll need to rely on your ability to SEPARATE THE TRUTH FROM ILLUSION.  Questioning yourself right now is normal and a part of the transit that is going on.   For many of you, this can mean cutting through all delusions or fantasies in relationships you've entertained too long.

Ask yourself, "Is this relationship in alignment with my own spiritual path?"
[The answers to this will unfold as we get later into the month of December. ]

Other themes:

  • Inner tension that leads to motivation. 
  • Dealing with your ego/ limitations. 
  • The need to define relationships.  
  • Creative visions; spontaneous, divine ideas that lead you in the right direction.

The mythological creature of the centaur is the half human/half beast hunter with the bow and arrow. Its natural environment is the forest so bring aspects of this into your home to honor this season of Sag. 

Ritual for Beginners

Because Sagittarius is a fire sign you can work with candles to honor the new moon.
1. Find a candle that is associated with one of these scents (basil, saffron, ginger, sage).
2. Mix up some of these herbs up and sprinkle it on top of your candle.
3. Sit, meditate with is this as you think about all that you want to manifest.

**Lemon and nutmeg are also a popular and put out to bring the uplifting, positive energy of Sagittarius into your space. (Pine cones are great options as well)

Aim high, be patient and be positive.


The Archer

Listen to my latest recording all about the Sag on "Art's Celestial Stories" for Black Intellectuals  here on SoundCloud:


  1. Thank you!! Appreciate ritual suggestions! I have a lot to meditate on during this moon cycle! Love and Bliss!

  2. Thank you!! Appreciate ritual suggestions! I have a lot to meditate on during this moon cycle! Love and Bliss!

  3. Thank you so much for reading, sis! I can't wait to do them "get it"

  4. Thank you so much for reading, sis! I can't wait to do them "get it"
